
Theappshowsyouaonetimewhodeletedyou,butinyourhistoryitdoesn'tshowthepeople'snamesanymore,justaredcylinderandinititsaysdeleted ...,Wearenowhappytointroduceournewproduct:NEWUNFRIENDFINDER.IthasparticallythesamefunctionasthepreviousFacebookapplication,Itonlyrequire ...,2013年2月15日—Finder:偵測誰從Facebook好友名單刪除你(Chrom...Facebook是一個小型的但真實的社交圈,與誰交惡...,2023年12月5日—Unfrie...


The app shows you a one time who deleted you, but in your history it doesn't show the people's names anymore, just a red cylinder and in it it says deleted ...

NEW Unfriend Finder

We are now happy to introduce our new product: NEW UNFRIEND FINDER. It has partically the same function as the previous Facebook application, It only require ...

Unfriend Finder 可以自動偵測誰已經把你從他的好友名單移除

2013年2月15日 — Finder:偵測誰從Facebook好友名單刪除你(Chrom... Facebook 是一個小型的但真實的社交圈,與誰交惡...

Unfriend Finder

2023年12月5日 — Unfriend Finder. offered by unfriend-app.com ... This extension sends to Facebook users notifications when someone unfriends them from Facebook.

Unfriend Finder For Facebook

This application sends notifications every time you've been unfriended from FB.

如何檢查被刪除FB好友裝上《 Unfriend Finder 》就可一目了然

2017年9月30日 — Step 04:點進來後,你會被導引到一個網頁,這邊就可以看到是誰刪除了你的好友。

Unfriend Finder 當你被刪除臉書好友,瀏覽器會跳出提示訊息

Unfriend Finder 是一款免費的Google Chrome 外掛,主要功能很簡單,當有人從Facebook 好友名單刪除你,你會收到通知,當然如果封鎖一樣也會收到提醒。

Unfriend Notifier

Unfriend Notifier helps you know who has unfriended you in Facebook . You can also track who has deactivated the account or resumed back. Share your experience ...


